eCommerce South West 2016

The UK leads the way in eCommerce. Online sales per shopper are higher than any other European country, Canada or the USA and sales continue to accelerate. In 2016 our event was all about “Continuous Business Growth’’ - making constant daily, weekly, monthly changes to your websites and online presence to ensure you reap the rewards from the ever increasing volume of online sales.

Technology and our understanding of how online shoppers behave are evolving rapidly. Standing still is essentially going backwards. So this was a great opportunity to see what some of the industry leaders are doing. Underlying all of this is the art and science of delivering superior and constantly improving customer experiences.

“Would I go again? In short, definitely. It was set up professionally, and was well organised with good speakers, speaking on a good range of topics”

Ben Roberts - Marketing Strategist

Heinnie Haynes



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